Hey!! It's back to school time- not for me, I'm grown lol (not really) but I felt inspired to do a post about college fashion. In Jamaica primary and secondary schools have one thing in common: uniforms. Everyone wore them. Luckily for me, I actually attended a school -HAIL CAMPION HAIL- with one of the better uniforms on the island, thank God. Still I would be lying if I said I didn't spend a generous portion of my high school years dreaming about going to college and once and for all banishing my uniforms to the very base of my closet. In hindsight though I really should have appreciated those uniform days more.
All black looks are truly a saving grace on those days you have nothing to wear, especially when you're headed to a stylish affair such as a fashion show. This is what I wore to The Design Jamaica showcase:
On Saturday, August 16th I attended the first annual Design Jamaica showcase orchestrated by budding designers Simone Nielson and Summer Jarrett. I was super excited about this event. Sure I've been to fashion shows before but none of this kind. Here was a new platform for young ambitious designers, who other than the typical social media outlets rarely had the opportunity to display their craft on a big stage, or runway rather- until now.
Decked in a full suit of black (photos HERE) I arrived wide eyed and READY to be awed. As I alighted the shuttle bus my initial impression was: holy shit this venue and decor is superb! A part from those over the top couture runway shows (witnessed through the wonderful worldwide web), this was by far one of the best set up I've seen in a while. There was a fountain smack in the middle of all the action, but not in an unnecessary ubiquitous way - more along the lines of a stunning backdrop. And then that runway- possibly the longest I've ever seen. It was soooo long. So long. But sensible.
With just enough time to grab a drink of white wine, I shuffled to my seat as former Miss Jamaica, Sara Lawrence kicked off the night's proceedings moments after 8:30. Vain Glory was up first. I honestly could not have thought of a better way to open the show. Actually this line was so good it could have easily closed the show. I may not exactly be an authority of any sorts, but I know a cohesive collection when I see one. Dubbed the "Old Harbour Babe" collection, the use of tropical and geometric prints on light flowy material screamed island life- in a much opulent and exotic way. The styling and use of woven visors and clutch purses really made the collection come alive. I won't even bother to go on as I'm sure you can tell by now, I was really impressed to say the least.
Decked in a full suit of black (photos HERE) I arrived wide eyed and READY to be awed. As I alighted the shuttle bus my initial impression was: holy shit this venue and decor is superb! A part from those over the top couture runway shows (witnessed through the wonderful worldwide web), this was by far one of the best set up I've seen in a while. There was a fountain smack in the middle of all the action, but not in an unnecessary ubiquitous way - more along the lines of a stunning backdrop. And then that runway- possibly the longest I've ever seen. It was soooo long. So long. But sensible.
With just enough time to grab a drink of white wine, I shuffled to my seat as former Miss Jamaica, Sara Lawrence kicked off the night's proceedings moments after 8:30. Vain Glory was up first. I honestly could not have thought of a better way to open the show. Actually this line was so good it could have easily closed the show. I may not exactly be an authority of any sorts, but I know a cohesive collection when I see one. Dubbed the "Old Harbour Babe" collection, the use of tropical and geometric prints on light flowy material screamed island life- in a much opulent and exotic way. The styling and use of woven visors and clutch purses really made the collection come alive. I won't even bother to go on as I'm sure you can tell by now, I was really impressed to say the least.
Hi, I am Tanaka and I have whole-heartedly surrendered. From what you might ask?.... That would be Jamaica's heat. Had I been anywhere close to my 40s I would be of the opinion that I'm experiencing a premature onset of menopause and I'm not even being dramatic.
Ask any Jamaican, it's serious. So serious, it has taken a toll on my wardrobe. While summer is indicative of colour, I've honestly never been a fan of a flamboyant closet. I was of the impression that I could get away with wearing black all year round, but clearly climate change has other plans for me. Next to a generous helping of coconut jelly, I've decided it would be wise to remedy the heat by adding some hues to my life- as if I had a choice.

Ask any Jamaican, it's serious. So serious, it has taken a toll on my wardrobe. While summer is indicative of colour, I've honestly never been a fan of a flamboyant closet. I was of the impression that I could get away with wearing black all year round, but clearly climate change has other plans for me. Next to a generous helping of coconut jelly, I've decided it would be wise to remedy the heat by adding some hues to my life- as if I had a choice.

What have I gotten myself into? That was the question I found myself asking while looking through the photos of my recent shoot. It took me days and and a few nudges from my family to actually make this post - but here I am. Despite of my presence on social media, especially Instagram- I would be the first to tell you I hate having my picture taken. I know, you must be thinking, so why have a fashion blog?