
Her Name Is Vivian

September 17, 2014
Maybe if I were a 60s baby my name would be Vivian. I think. Or maybe its the polka dot shorts, retro glasses and laying in bed watching Pretty Woman this weekend for the umpteenth time that got to my head. Whatever the case, it seems  plausible - to me atleast :) When...

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Morning Stroll

September 10, 2014
I'm not a morning person. BUT I insist on trying to be one. I dont know where exactly...

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Island Treasure: Galavant Jewelry

September 07, 2014
I wouldn't be a good person if I kept this to myself; that and this happens to be...

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Blushing Sequins

September 03, 2014
Happy September Everyone! The Summer season officially ends on September 22nd which means; Hello FALL. Hands down, fall...

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